You have stepped in our WONDERFUL WATER WORLD created by the Talented Tigers of India for the ThinkQuest Digital Media Competition 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Pollution Involved:-

Odor, dissolved and suspended solids, ammonia and urea, nitrate and nitrites, chloride, fluoride, carbonates, oil and grease, insecticides and pesticide resdue, tannin, heavy metals e.g lead, mercury, manganese, etc, radioactive substances.

Sources of Pollution:-

Sewage disposal, urban run-off, toxic effluents from industries, run-off over cultivated lands an nuclear power plants

1 comment:

Harun Ar said...

Limbah nuklir memang sangat berbahaya, tetapi mengapa pemerintah seolah tidak mau tahu, kita tidak tahu entah apa yang dipikirkannya