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Monday, April 18, 2011

18 April – International Day for Monuments and Sites 2011: Cultural Heritage of Water

UNESCO had designated 18 April as the International Day for Monuments and Sites in 1982 in which every year a theme is taken up. In current year i.e. 2011 the theme taken up is the ‘Cultural Heritage of Water’. As all know, water is one of the key resources required for the sustainability of life. How well we can obtain it, store it, harness its power and conserve it has motivated human endeavor in number of ways. It has also played a vital role in the development of various cultural practices, which have fostered cultural heritage values of intangible nature. It has been a source of inspiration for literature, poetry and various artistic endeavors such as dance, sculpture and paintings. It has played an inspirational source for the development of philosophies and religious practices. Therefore, the cultural heritage of water is not only related to technology and architecture that has been developed by humankind to manage, utilize and celebrate its life giving properties various precious values that have able to shape our belief and practices.

1 comment:

Sawai Singh Rajpurohit said...

आपका स्वागत करती सुगना फाऊंडेशन-मेघालासिया

श्री श्री 1008 श्री खेतेश्वर"दाता" के 99 वि जयंती पर विशाल शोभायात्रा में आपका स्वागत सुगना फाऊंडेशन-मेघालासिय करता है गुरुदेव गादीपति श्री 1008 श्री तुलछा राम जी महाराज का स्वागत एवमं शरबत पान रखा है जोकि 5 वि रोड कोहिनूर सिनिमा के आगे होगा इसमें आप सभी पधारे ....सवाई सिंह राजपुरोहित

आप सब से निवेदन है
आप सभी भाई बंधुओ से निवेदन है की श्री श्री 1008 श्री खेतेश्वर महाराज जयंती कार्यक्रम में आप अधिक से अधिक संख्या में भाग ले ओर रैली को सफल बनावे

* फाउंडेशन का कार्यक्रम स्थल *
सुगना फाउंडेशन-मेघालासिया , जोधपुर
राजाराम जी का मन्दिर के पास, कोहिनूर सिनिमा के आगे,
पाचवी रोड, जोधपुर(राजस्थान)

श्री श्री 1008 श्री खेतेश्वर जयंती पर आज निकलेगी भव्य शोभायात्रा
जयंती पर आज निकलेगी शोभायात्रा